
Kamis, 29 September 2011

Global Warming Trigger Kidney Stones!

Dangerous phenomenon of global warming remains a serious problem among doctors, one of them identified by global warming may increase the frequency of pain, kidney stones, as the latest research findings at the American Urology Association (AUA). As reported on the official website of the AAU afternoon Thursday, with rising global temperatures increase the number of cases of kidney stones.

Dehydration, which is closely related to the pain of kidney stones are more likely to occur, especially in regions with warm climates. Take the American example of the area affected by rising global temperatures, experts in the AAU it was found that the land south of Uncle Sam has a higher prevalence of kidney stones than the other regions.
The researchers estimated that Americans who are potentially affected by kidney stones pain skyrocket in the coming decades. When in 2000 the population at high risk for kidney stone pain by 40 percent, and in 2050 this figure reached 50 percent. This means that many people are affected by kidney stones in women 1-2000000 people.
The researchers also examined the trend is more and more people suffer from kidney stones do not only focus on South America but also in the north and spread to the country. In addition, the distribution of the patients, the AAU is the cost of treatment of kidney stones in the United States will grow by leaps and bounds in the $ 1 billion per year by 2050, or 10-20 per cent higher than the current situation.

American Urological Association Founded in 1902, and its headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. Association, which is reluctant to members of a professional urologist with more than 15,000 people and institutions worldwide. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, as well as kidney failure, kidney stones more often. The disease is often called the rock and stone in the bladder.
Experts said the kidney stone because of the food consumption habits of the mind. However, if you look historically, people with kidney stones found in thousands of years. This is evident in the results of expert evidence of kidney stones dibalsam mummies and Egypt about 7,000 years.
This is due to kidney stones, calcium overload. Therefore, we suggest that calcium intake is not excessive. Foods high in calcium include salmon, sardines, cheese, milk, ice cream and cabbage vegetables. These foods contain more than 100 milligrams of calcium per serving.

While the food spinach, dried fish, and chocolate contains calcium is considered. In addition to reduced calcium intake, kidney patients are advised to reduce their salt intake, because each increase of 100 mg of salt in the diet increased from 25 to 30 mg of calcium in the urine.

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